Is it a flaw or is it a flag? - Ms Candi Girl. LLC

Is it a flaw or is it a flag?

Had a conversation today, and this things dropped in my spirit.  Is it a flaw or is it a flag?  Sometimes, we excuse the actions of others as "character flaws" when they're blatant red flags.  The person talks to you with no respect.  He or she has no honor.  The person treats people any kind of way.  Words are used to hurt constantly.  They will take from you and not think twice about about it.  Users.  Controllers.  Jealous or envious over the simplest of things.  The person has you always questioning what a lie and what's the truth.  A habitual liar.  A charater flaw is a personality trait that is a part of a person, yet can be fixed through time and change.  A red flag is a trait that is detrimental to everyone around that person.  Most red flags are ignored, or the other person believes he or she can fix that trait, not realizing that trait is the chain that has him or her attached to that person.  Stop excusing red flags as flaws.  If it isn't right and the person won't fix
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