Puzzle of Life - Ms Candi Girl. LLC

Puzzle of Life

Stop trying to make people fir into your life that God has told you don't fit.  You're stuck on one part of the puzzle that is your life because a person doesn't fit, and you're bent on making him/her fit.  God has completed the puzzle and is waiting on you so you can go to the next puzzle.  Yet, like a child, you're angry because you want this person there.  God is telling you he/she doesn't fit.  He is the potter, you are the clay.  You're trying to be potter and clay.  There's someone looking for that piece to complete their puzzle.  Let that piece go.  Let him or her go.  Get out of your own way.  Please!!  That person cannot be shaped to fit you.  Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith.  He will complete the good work He began in you.  Obey God and use the pieces He gives you.  They always fit together. Selah.
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