What is love to you? - Ms Candi Girl. LLC

What is love to you?

I've had people say they love me.  But few have followed their words with actions.  I've received the actions of being cheated on, lied to, having what I have given thrown back in my face.  I've had a man meet me, tell me he loved me in 72 hours, and never physically saw my face.  Is love just a word that can be tossed around, thrown in someone's face, and expected to be believed because it was said?  Does anyone believe in actions?  If I say I love you, best to believe I'm going to show you I do.  Love is not just one sided.  At least, it isn't supposed to be.  I can't say I love you, then treat you like the dirt that I walk on.  I can't love you, then hurt you in every way because I'm scared to get too close to you.  I don't believe in just tossing LOVE around.   My love for you will make me want to give you the world.  My love for you will be shown.  If I had to die for you, I would.  Maybe I love too much or too hard.  I've learned to watch those who say they love me.  I've had to cut off people who claimed they loved me, but cut me with their words and actions without the thought of my heart bleeding all over my chest.  Stab me anywhere else but my heart.  If you do, it will stop beating for you.
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