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Deluisional: When I Lost My Mind in Love Ebook

Deluisional: When I Lost My Mind in Love Ebook

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He constantly feeds you small pieces, just enough to make you believe in his love. But it's a game to him, like a spider luring its prey into a web of deception and empty words. You were naive enough to trust that he would never hurt you, but now you see the truth. Smart enough to see through his facade, you are trapped in the chaos of his unresolved issues and emotional turmoil. You try to break free, but his manipulative ways only tighten their hold on you. Others may try to help, but he controls the strings and keeps them at a distance. No matter his wrongdoing he always blames you. Your only mistake was falling for a distorted version of him that never truly existed. But one day, you will break free and find your way back to yourself.

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